• PHINMA Education

    Making quality education more accessible to you


Amidst the complexities of choosing a career path, self-assessment serves as a vital tool for students, enabling them to identify their passions, interests, and skills. Through self-reflection and evaluation, students can align their educational choices and career aspirations, fostering a clearer trajectory toward their desired professional endeavors.

What Kind of Student Are You?

Understanding what kind of student you are is an essential step in optimizing your academic performance and learning experience. By evaluating your study habits, learning preferences, and areas of academic strength or challenge, you can create a tailored approach to studying that maximizes your potential and enhances your overall educational journey.

Take a quiz about what kind of student you are.


Identifying Your Learning Style

Understanding your learning style is crucial for academic success, as it helps you discover how you best absorb and retain information. Whether you grasp concepts more effectively through visual aids, verbal explanations, hands-on activities, or written materials, recognizing your preferred learning method enables you to tailor your study habits accordingly. By harnessing this self-awareness, you can optimize your learning process, improve your focus, and enhance your overall educational experience, ultimately paving the way for a more efficient and effective approach to mastering new concepts and subjects.

Learn more about your style


Improving Study Habits

Here are the 10 ways to improve your study habits:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Set specific, achievable goals for each study session to help you stay focused and motivated.
  2. Prioritize Tasks: Prioritize tasks based on their importance and deadlines. Tackle the most challenging or important subjects when you’re most alert.
  3. Active Learning: Engage actively with the material by summarizing, paraphrasing, or teaching it to someone else. This enhances your understanding and retention.
  4. Use Effective Study Techniques: Explore techniques like flashcards, mind mapping, summarization, and practice quizzes to reinforce learning.
  5. Take Regular Breaks: Break your study sessions into chunks and take short breaks in between. This prevents burnout and helps maintain focus.
  6. Minimize Distractions: Put away your phone, social media, and other distractions during study time. Consider using website blockers if you’re studying online.
  7. Seek Help When Needed: Don’t hesitate to ask teachers, peers, or tutors for clarification on challenging concepts.
  8. Stay Active: Engage in physical activity to enhance your overall well-being and improve focus and concentration.
  9. Eliminate Multitasking: Focus on one task at a time. Multitasking can reduce your efficiency and comprehension.
  10. Reward Yourself: Set up a reward system for reaching your study goals. Treat yourself to something enjoyable after completing tasks.


Everyone’s learning style is different, so explore with these tips to find what works best for you. Consistency is key to developing effective study habits that support your success in academics and career.

Career Finder

Take our career finder quiz.

PHINMAEd Future Career Finder


Here are sets of tools you can use to help you choose to a career that fits you.

Preparation for Different Types of Students

At PHINMA Education, we believe that every student is unique, and we are committed to  helping you prepare for success, regardless of your circumstances. Here’s how you can prepare for your education based on the type of student you are:

Traditional Student

  • Goal: Identify the career path you want to pursue.
  • Study Routine: Establish a consistent study routine that includes dedicated study time for each subject.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Participate in clubs, organizations, or sports that align with your interests and goals.
  • Support System: Connect with professors, academic advisors, and peers for guidance and support.
  • Self: Foster self-discipline and motivation to stay on track with your goals.

Distance Learning Student

  • Goal: Define clear educational objectives and set realistic expectations for your remote learning.
  • Study Routine: Create a daily or weekly study schedule that suits your personal preferences and learning style.
  • Remote Coaching: Communicate regularly with professors and instructors to clarify doubts and seek guidance.
  • Study Tools: Familiarize yourself with all the accessible learning platforms available that will help you in your productivity. 
  • Self: Develop self-discipline and time management skills to succeed in a remote learning environment.

Working Student

  • Employer Support: Discuss your educational goals with your employer and explore options for flexible scheduling or tuition assistance programs.
  • Family Support: Inform your family about your academic pursuits and seek their understanding and support.
  • Flexible Schedule: Create a flexible work and study schedule that accommodates both commitments.
  • Time Management: Set realistic goals and deadlines for assignments and projects.
  • Self: Maintain a strong work ethic and self-motivation to excel in both your job and academic pursuits.

Athlete Student

  • Goal: Define athletic and academic goals that align with your overall career aspirations.
  • Balanced Schedule: Coordinate your sports training and competition schedule with your class schedule.
  • Time Management: Develop effective time management skills to optimize your time on and off the field.
  • Peer Support: Build a supportive network of fellow student-athletes who can provide motivation and help you stay focused on your goals.
  • Self: Cultivate discipline and resilience to excel in your dual role as an athlete and student.

Student with Health Issues and Disabilities

  • Goal: Set educational goals that take into account your health condition and any potential challenges.
  • Study Tools: Ensure that your study materials and resources are accessible to you.
  • Teacher Support: Seek guidance on how to navigate your courses effectively while managing your health condition.
  • Peer Support: Connect with peers who may have similar experiences and can provide emotional support and study assistance.
  • Self: Prioritize self-care and manage your health condition effectively to maintain overall well-being.

Application Process

Our application process is designed to be simple and accessible. We offer guidance and support throughout your application process, ensuring that you have all the information and resources you need to submit a successful application. 

Check here how you can enroll without hassle


Here are sets of tools you can use to help you choose to a career that fits you.

Student Aid Checklist


  • Begin your journey towards senior high/college admission.
  • Explore potential career paths based on your interests and consider taking online personality career quizzes for guidance.
  • Schedule a meeting with your school counselor to create a comprehensive admission plan.
  • Visit school websites and social media pages to learn about the experiences of current students and gather insights.
  • Join groups with fellow incoming freshmen for open discussions and mutual support.


  • Explore grants and scholarships. PHINMA Schools offer the Hawak Kamay Scholarship starting in October for incoming college freshmen, with both in-person and online application options at NO cost.
  • Engage in college-hosted events designed to prepare you and enhance your skills as you transition to higher education. Gain a firsthand understanding of how schools prioritize the student learning experience.
  • Research the program offerings of various colleges, ensuring that your preferred school offers your chosen program. Assess the achievements of these programs to make informed decisions.


  • Stay updated on the status of your scholarship applications.
  • Collaborate with your parents or guardians to create a clear financial plan for tuition, discussing potential payment options.
  • Confirm that your chosen school provides accessible education. PHINMAEd, for instance, offers installment plans to ease financial burdens for students.
  • Explore early admission programs, such as those offered by schools like PHINMAEd, which may include discounted down payments and other promotional benefits.


  • Finalize your enrollment decision and submit all necessary information.
  • Notify any schools that have accepted you if you will not be attending.
  • Enhance your understanding of specific programs by participating in program-focused orientations organized by your school.
  • Complete any remaining student aid forms promptly.
  • Connect with your future peers to build relationships and establish a network.
  • Prepare for college orientation, arrange transportation, and budget for allowances to ensure a smooth transition to higher education.

Find Grants and Scholarships

Preparing for higher education can be both exciting and challenging. To ease the financial burden, it is important to explore all available financial aid options. This can be your comprehensive guide to understanding and securing financial assistance for your education.

  1. College or University Financial Aid Offices: The financial aid office of your preferred college or university can provide information about scholarships specific to that institution. Learn more about PHINMA Education’s Hawak Kamay Scholarship here.
  2. State and Local Government: Check with your state’s education department or local government for information about state-specific scholarship programs.
  3. High School Counselors: High school counselors are often well-informed about local and national scholarship opportunities. They can provide guidance on where to look and help students with the application process.
  4. Professional and Community Organizations: Many industries and fields have professional organizations that offer scholarships to students pursuing careers in those areas. Local clubs, nonprofits, religious organizations, and community groups often provide scholarships to students from their area as well.
  5. Employers and Parent Employers: Some employers offer scholarships to the children of employees. Check if your parents’ workplace provides such opportunities.
  6. Online Searches and Social Media: Use search engines to find scholarships by using specific keywords related to your interests, talents, or background.

Different Payment Options

Paying for college is a significant investment, but it does not have to be overwhelming. There are various payment options you can explore to make higher education more accessible. 

  1. Cash Payment – Paying the full tuition amount in cash is a straightforward option. Some colleges and universities offer early bird discounts for students who pay the entire tuition amount upfront.
  1. Installment Plans – Many educational institutions in the Philippines offer tuition installment plans. These plans allow students and their families to pay tuition in smaller, regular installments throughout the academic year, making it more manageable.
  1. Scholarships and Grants  – Students can apply for scholarships and grants offered by the government, private organizations, or the educational institution itself. These scholarships can cover part or all of the tuition expenses and do not need to be repaid.
  1. Government Subsidies and Financial Aid – Some government programs provide financial assistance to qualified students to help cover tuition costs. Programs like the Expanded Student’s Grants-in-Aid Program for Poverty Alleviation (ESGPPA) aim to support students from low-income families.
  1. Student Loans – While less common than other payment options, some banks and financial institutions in the Philippines offer student loans. These loans typically have lower interest rates than traditional personal loans.
  1. Employer Sponsorship or Assistance – Working students may have the opportunity to receive financial assistance from their employers, especially if the employer values continuing education.
  1. Educational Plans- Some families invest in educational plans or pre-need plans that help cover future tuition expenses. These plans are typically offered by insurance companies and educational institutions.
  1. Tuition Discounts – Educational institutions may offer discounts on tuition for various reasons, such as academic excellence, sibling discounts, or early enrollment.

Explore these payment options and consider your financial situation when planning for college tuition. To make education more accessible to the students, PHINMA Education offers scholarships, discounts, and payment plans to provide further guidance on managing tuition costs. We want to ensure that you have the flexibility to tailor your payment approach to your financial situation.

Tips for Saving and Reducing Costs

Higher education does not have to break the bank. We are here to provide you with practical tips and strategies to save money and reduce the overall cost of your education. 

  • Start early: Begin planning for your education well in advance. The earlier you start, the more time you have to save and seek out financial aid opportunities.
  • Apply for a college scholarship: Hawak Kamay Scholarship is a financial aid for incoming freshmen students where they can have tuition and miscellaneous discounts for the entire duration of their chosen program. 
  • Discover distance learning: At PHINMA Education, we make sure that education is accessible to everyone. You can choose to study at the comfort of your home to reduce your transportation and food allowances. 
  • Utilize campus resources: Take advantage of campus resources like libraries, and career services to avoid external expenses.
  • Share living expenses: If planning to rent a dorm or apartment, consider sharing living expenses with trusted roommates or family members to reduce housing costs.


Here are sets of tools you can use to help you choose to a career that fits you.

In-demand Jobs

The choice of your college degree will significantly influence your future career path. Maximizing your college education is essential for increasing your chances of securing your desired job after graduation. In today’s dynamic job market, numerous new career opportunities are emerging across various sectors and fields.

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) recently released the JobsFit 2022 Labor Market Information Report which offers valuable insights into the current landscape of sought-after professions and careers in the Philippines. Drawing from DOLE’s report, here are some of the industries currently in high demand.

  • Information Technology: The IT sector continues to thrive, offering numerous opportunities for professionals skilled in software development, cybersecurity, data analysis, and IT support.
  • Engineering: This industry remains a sought-after field, with demand for civil engineers, electrical engineers, and mechanical engineers driven by infrastructure development and technological advancements.
  • Business Management: Business management roles are in demand, ranging from marketing and finance to human resources and project management. Skilled professionals in these areas are crucial for effective organizational operations.
  • Education: The education sector offers a wide range of career opportunities, including teachers, educators, and administrators. With a growing emphasis on quality education, professionals in this field are highly valued.
  • Healthcare: The healthcare industry consistently requires skilled professionals, including nurses, doctors, medical technologists, and healthcare administrators. The demand for healthcare services remains strong.
  • Hospitality Management: With the gradual recovery of the tourism and hospitality sector, there is increasing demand for professionals in hospitality management, including hotel managers, event planners, and restaurant managers.

These industries may vary over time and by region. It is essential for individuals to stay updated on current job market trends and align their skills and qualifications with the evolving needs of these industries to enhance their career prospects.

Career and Life Balance

Test your study and life balance with our Balance Check Challenge. Are you a Zen Master of balance, or do you need a little more “me” time?

Find out here!


Here’s a helpful guide on gaining valuable experience through internships and shadowing opportunities. Whether you are a senior high school student preparing for college or a college student planning for your future career, these experiences can provide a significant advantage in today’s competitive job market.


What is an Internship?

An internship is a structured work experience where students work in a professional setting to gain practical experience related to their chosen field of study or career interests. 

Why do schools promote internships? 

  • Hands-on Experience: Internships provide hands-on experience in your chosen field, allowing you to apply classroom knowledge to real-world situations. 
  • Skill Development: You will develop essential skills relevant to your career path. 
  • Networking: You can build valuable professional connections and expand your network, which may help you secure future job opportunities. 
  • Resume Enhancement: Internships look impressive on your resume, making you stand out to future employers. 

Take this quiz to find out which type of internship might be the best fit for you!

How to Find Internship Opportunities?

Career Opportunities:

Utilize the school’s career services department to find internship listings and get guidance on applications.

Visit PHINMA Ace Career Linkages page to know the opportunities waiting for you in PHINMA Ed

Online Job Boards:

Search for websites that have extensive internship listings.

Helpful websites:

    1. LinkedIn: linkedin.com
    2. Indeed: indeed.com
    3. Glassdoor: glassdoor.com


Reach out to professors, alumni, close friends who are currently in your preferred industry for potential opportunities. 

Contact PHINMAEd school career advisors to provide personalized career advice.


Here are sets of tools you can use to help you choose to a career that fits you.

Does College Pay Off? Tuition Costs vs. Earning Potential

One of the most critical considerations when embarking on your educational journey is understanding the return on investment – does college pay off in the long run? At PHINMA Education we want to make sure that our students are equipped with the knowledge and insights to make informed decisions about their education and career.

The Value of Higher Education

Higher education is an investment in your future, and while it may come with tuition costs, it also opens doors to increased earning potential and career opportunities. Here are some key factors to consider:

  1. Earning Potential: On average, individuals with a college degree tend to earn significantly more over their lifetime compared to those with only a high school diploma. A higher education level often leads to higher-paying jobs.
  2. Career Advancement: Many professions require specific degrees or certifications, making higher education essential for career growth and access to more lucrative positions.
  3. Job Security: During economic downturns, individuals with advanced degrees are generally less vulnerable to unemployment and more likely to retain their jobs.
  4. Skill Development: College provides you with valuable skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication, which are highly sought after in the job market.


Weighing the Costs and Benefits

While the benefits of higher education are clear, it is essential to consider the associated costs, including tuition, fees, and potential student loans. To determine whether college is a sound investment for you, it’s crucial to:

  1. Research Your Field: Investigate the earning potential and demand for professionals in your chosen field to understand the long-term benefits.
  2. Financial Planning: Develop a comprehensive financial plan that includes an estimate of your educational expenses, expected future earnings, and potential loan repayment terms.
  3. Explore Scholarships and Aid: Look for scholarships, grants, and financial aid opportunities to help mitigate the financial burden of tuition.

The Correlation Between Education and Earnings

At PHINMA Education, we want you to be equipped to maximize your earning potential through education. Here’s why education and earnings are closely correlated:

  1. Higher Education Levels: Statistically, individuals with higher levels of education, such as bachelor’s and master’s degrees, tend to earn more than those with lower educational qualifications.
  2. Specialized Knowledge: Education equips you with specialized knowledge and skills that are often rewarded with higher pay in professions requiring expertise.
  3. Career Mobility: Advanced degrees open doors to managerial and leadership roles, which are typically associated with higher salaries.
  4. In-Demand Fields: Certain fields, such as healthcare, technology, and engineering, offer particularly promising earning potential due to high demand for skilled professionals.

What to Expect in the Real World

Preparing for Life After Graduation

While pursuing your education, it’s important to have a realistic understanding of what awaits you in the real world of work. At PHINMA Education, we provide resources to help you make a smooth transition from academia to your career:

  1. Job Search Strategies: Learn effective job search techniques, including resume writing, interview preparation, and networking skills.
  2. Career Counseling: Our career counselors can assist you in identifying potential career paths and connecting with industry professionals.
  3. Internships: Gain practical experience through internships which can boost your employability and expose you to the realities of your chosen field.
  4. Salary Negotiation: Equip yourself with negotiation skills to ensure you receive fair compensation for your skills and qualifications.